Blog Post

Enhanced Placeholder Functionality in Connectors

Written by Jamie
March 4, 2015
forms2 enhanced placeholder functionality on our mobile data collection form builder


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One of the most powerful features of our platform is what we call placeholders – specifically the ability to generate dynamic text using form entry answers, formula calculations and built-in form entry metadata. This function is mostly used for creating Data Templates for PDF, or custom Word and Excel outputs of your form entry data. More recently, placeholders have also found their way into other aspects of the platform, including Connector configurations such as file names, email subjects and bodies, run conditions and more.

Until now, Connector fields only supported the use of form entry answer values via our standard {{field_name}} syntax. Today we’ve enhanced this Connector functionality so it now supports the whole range of placeholder syntax directly in the Connector configuration fields.

You can now use the full spectrum of placeholder functionality:

  • Formula evaluation syntax – e.g. {{( FUNCTION() )}}
  • REPEAT syntax – e.g. {{!REPEATSTART}} something to repeat here {{!REPEATEND}}
  • Built-in metadata options – e.g. {{!USERFIRSTNAME}}

For Connector options like custom Body fields on Email and REST connectors, you now have a lot more flexibility and options to generate your specific dynamic output as required. We’ve also updated our Formula Builder (the hammer icon visible by each dynamic Connector field) to include all these new options.

forms2mobile enhanced placeholder functionality

Our dynamic placeholder and formula engine will be added to even more parts of the platform as we move forward. With this update the forms2mobile functionality is more powerful than ever before!