Blog Post

New V2 API Explorer

Written by Jamie
February 27, 2015
api explorer on forms2


Stay in the loop:

We’re always looking to make our integration API as easy to understand as possible for customers and developers alike. So far, we have done this by having a detailed document on each separate API endpoint and option. Today we have released a brand new way to understand and discover our APIs – We would like to introduce the API Explorer!

To access the API Explorer, go to:

forms2mobile api explorer

Built on the amazing Swagger open source library, we’ve added all current version 2 API endpoints in an easy to follow visual format. You can browse each available endpoint and its supported HTTP verbs. You can view the model properties and test out calls to the API right there and then within the API Explorer. Simply put – its a developers dream and we feel it will make API integration projects a lot easier to implement.

The main focus of the Explorer is JSON format requests and responses, but there are also areas where you can specify an XML response type to get an idea of the API requirements and responses are on the XML side too. The API Explorer is a dynamic, living document for the new version 2 API. It is generated directly from our API code, thus giving you the confidence that what you see in the Explorer is exactly what is supported and available right now on the API.

There’s More!  New Version 2 APIs

Take a look around the API Explorer and you’ll see we have also released some new API endpoints:

  • Form Entry now available as version 2. This is the big one! – we’ve kept most of the options from V1, but we’ve also added a new Rich form option which gives you access to the answer data type information.
  • Screen API This gives you access to the basic field elements of Form screen designs. The idea is that you can easily pull down the data typing and field information for a Form. You can then use this to create matching data structures with your own systems. We are planning to add lots more to our API in the coming months.
  • User Groups API Just as the name says, this is a simple API to search/create/update/delete User Groups
  • Folder API This is only a search function for now, but we will add full create/update/delete support soon.

The new APIs are ready for production use straight away and we plan to add more options and properties as we continue forward. As an example on the Form Entry side, we are planning on adding an “AnswersCSV” option to receive answers in a flat CSV format so its easier to import into spreadsheets and database tables. We are also working away on a V2 version of our Task API and we have a number of improvements planned for this – particularly around templates and preset answers. As always, all feedback is welcomed – we’re building these features for you, so let us know if there is anything missing that you would like us to add.