What is Azure SQL?

Build apps that scale with the pace of your business with managed and intelligent SQL in the cloud.

How we work together:

Our Azure SQL connector for Data Sources can pull rows from existing tables stored on Microsoft’s managed Azure SQL instances.

Pushing new rows from mobile app submissions is also possible using Azure SQL Form connector.

Data Source Use Cases

  • Bring in a Workplace Inspection Register to be used as part of a Workplace Inspection reporting app. Schedule the import for 15 minutes to ensure the list is up to date for mobile app users.
  • Choose a table name and an optional Schema to retrieve rows
  • Add additional WHERE clauses to pull in only the desired records.

Data Delivery Use Cases

  • Push new Workplace Inspection Register updates and other form entries directly into your tables as new rows, as soon as they are submitted.
  • Choose between automatically maintaining a table for each form where tables and columns are automatically created and updated based upon your form fields, or, use custom SQL that is executed on each data entry.

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