What is Google BigQuery?

Google BigQuery is a serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective multicloud data warehouse designed for business agility.

How we work together:

Our Google BigQuery Data Source connector can pull existing data from your datasets and tables into Data Sources to be used by your mobile apps and forms. Pull data from your tables with a timed refresh so your most up to date data is always available to your mobile teams.

Our Google BigQuery Form connector can push data captured by your field teams directly into your Google BigQuery tables. Automatically create new tables and push selected fields to columns.

Data Source Use Cases

  • Bring in a Master Stock list for use across multiple mobile apps and forms like Stock taking, Parts Allocation, and Maintenance Tasks.
  • Maintain complete control by specifying properties like BigQuery Project ID, Dataset Name and Table Name.
  • Set a schedule between 15 minutes and 24 hours to import data at a frequency you need for your mobile teams.

Data Delivery Use Cases

  • Push all captured fields from a Safety Commissioning Certificate app. Dynamically specify the Project ID based upon data captured by your mobile teams. Dataset or Table names could be dynamically assigned based on a site name or geographic location.
  • Push a subset of fields from a Maintenance Task through a BigQuery Form Connector to update rows for the Completed Tasks Table. Add a second BigQuery Form Connector to push a different subset of fields to a different table or dataset. Add as many connectors as you need to keep all tables and data sets always up to date.

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