What is Salesforce?

Salesforce provides customer relationship management service and also provides enterprise applications focused on customer service, marketing automation and analytics.

How we work together:

Our Salesforce Data Source connector enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to Salesforce Objects. Enabling a one-way synchronization to occur – where any changes in the Salesforce Objects are downloaded into your data source on a regular basis.

Our Salesforce Form connector enables you to quickly and easily connect to objects on your Salesforce account. Enabling a one-way synchronization to occur – where any Form output files are pushed to Salesforce objects.

Data Source Use Cases

  • Bring in a Workplace Inspection Register to be used as part of a Workplace Inspection reporting app. Set a refresh rate of 60 minutes to ensure the list is up to date for mobile app users.
  • Specify the Salesforce Object name and enter a list of fields to import, or just import all fields.
  • Add an optional WHERE clause to pull in only the desired records.

Data Delivery Use Cases

  • Save a Word file with full details of each Workplace Inspection entry. Format the Word file using a Word template for easy editing and integration into other documents.
  • Save a PDF report of any failed check log entries. Format the report using a Word template to only include pertinent failure information. Dynamically reference a Salesforce Entity from an answer given in the form entry.
  • Use our Salesforce Form Connector to store data in CSV, excel, JSON, PDF, TXT, Word, XML file formats.

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