What is Azure Storage?

Azure Blob Storage is massively scalable and secure object storage for cloud-native workloads, archives, data lakes, high-performance computing and machine learning.

How we work together:

Using our Azure Blob Storage Data Source connector, you can securely import new data to your forms2 Data Sources individually or using a custom schedule. Using CSV or Excel files to populate your Data Sources keeps data updated simply and quickly.

Using our Azure Blob Storage Form connector, you can easily create and store new data entries as CSV or text files, and create fully customised reports in Word or PDF formats.

Data Source Use Cases

  • Schedule a daily import of work authorizations, including the authorization name, username, authorization start and end dates. Use a Listing Screen to search for a specific authorization and display all users who hold a valid authorization. Select an authorized user and open a Data Entry Screen to assign the user to an outstanding work order.
  • Use a Listing Screen to search for a specific authorization and display all users that have expired autorizations. Select a user to open a Detail Screen with details of the expired authorization, and proceed to a Data Entry screen to schedule a new authorization certification for the use

Data Delivery Use Cases

  • Store a formatted Excel sheet that includes each username along with their associated work authorizations. Format the sheet using an Excel template to only include required fields.
  • Save a formatted Excel sheet for each work authorization. Use an Excel template to format the document to include each user that holds the authorization, along with the authorization start and end dates.
  • Use our Azure Form Connector to store data in CSV, excel, JSON, PDF, Text File, Word, XML file formats.

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