What is Box?

Secure collaboration with anyone, anywhere, on any device with advanced security controls, intelligent threat detection, and complete information governance.

How we work together:

Using our Box Data Source connector, you can bring in new rows from CSV or Excel files to your forms2 data sources. Schedule imports to keep your data sources fresh with any new rows added from external systems.

Using our Box Form connector, you can create and store beautifully designed documents and reports from data entries, and store them in real time to your Box account.

Data Source Use Cases

  • Import an asset register, including asset ID, asset specification, site location and last check date. Use a Data Entry screen and a Choices Field to scan the barcode of an installed asset. Retrieve and display all asset details and automatically color code the details if the last checked date has expired.
  • Use a Listing Screen to display and filter all assets that have an expired check. Tap on a row to display a Detail Screen of asset location, last check date and detailed historical information on all past checks.

Data Delivery Use Cases

  • Save a Word document for each completed asset check entry. Store the document in a folder named by the asset, then in a subfolder of the asset check date. Save all media files, images, videos and audio recordings separately within the same folder for easy retrieval. Save all check details in the document for review by the engineering team.
  • Save a PDF report for each completed asset check entry. Format the report using a Word template to only include key information about the check. Store the report in a folder for Management review and enable high resolution images in the report.
  • Use our Box Form Connector to store data in CSV, excel, JSON, PDF, Text File, Word, XML file formats.

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