What is Microsoft OneDrive Business?

Easily store, access, and discover your individual and shared work files in Microsoft 365, including Microsoft Teams, from all your devices.

How we work together:

Use our Microsoft OneDrive Business Data Source connector to import rows from stored files into a forms2 Data Source. Import data from an Excel or CSV file daily, or hourly, keeping your data fresh and your field teams updated with the latest data.

Use our Microsoft OneDrive Business form connector to create awesome looking customer or management reports. Use data captured from your forms and apps in the file name and also the folder path, keeping those all important documents safe in the right place at all times.

Looking for a OneDrive Personal solution? Check out our OneDrive Personal integration.

Data Source Use Cases

  • Import a list of depot details including the depot name, opening times, and GPS coordinates. In a Data Entry screen, use a Choices Field to select the depot name. Automatically populate a read-only field with the depot opening times and pass the GPS coordinates to an Action Field that can be used for navigation.
  • Using a Data Entry screen and a Choices Field, automatically display a list of sites that are currently open by filtering the data source with the current time and timezone.

Data Delivery Use Cases

  • Save a PDF document containing all parts names and images collected from a depot. Enable High Resolution Images in the PDF to keep details crystal clear. Click on an image in the PDF to automatically open it in a web browser
  • Customize the look and feel of the PDF by adding a template created in MS Word. Include custom branding and position fields exactly where you want them.
  • Use our OneDrive Business Form Connector to store data in CSV, excel, JSON, PDF, TXT, Word, XML file formats.

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